This magical and powerful workshop enables you to work with the Animal Magic Deck of divination cards, to find your mythical totem animal and learn to work with the Elemental Kingdoms.
You will be introduced to each of the elemental beings and you will then be enabled to begin to integrate their therapeutic qualities to support a Transference Healing and empowerment process.
You will learn to create an etheric ‘Sacred Circle of Fire’ while working with four animal totems to support the awakening of your kundalini and enhance divine love and protection.
Inclusions: You will receive workshop notes and an Animal Magic Tarot Bag containing the tools you need to run a ‘Circle of Fire’ namely: 13 gridding crystals, a selenite wand and white sage stick.
[ Please Note: this workshop does not include supply of the Animal Magic Book and Card Deck you will need to purchase this independently, preferably prior to the workshop, or on the day of the workshop.]
Time: 1 day
Cost: $350 AUD