Maree-Elyse has a passion to help others ‘remember’ who they truly are. How do we stay balanced and joyful even in the midst of chaos? Especially in this seemingly crazy, yet amazing, ever changing world.
As a child Maree-Elyse ‘talked’ with animals and ‘saw’ things around her. It was not until later in life, she would realise, other people actually did not ‘see’ this way!
This ‘gift of sight’ helped Maree-Elyse to tune into people on a level known as an Empath. Using her skills in Nursing, massage and other healing modalities many physical, mental and emotional blockages were identified and released for others through intuition and energetic body work. This allowed people more insight into how their body actually worked from an energy level. Then they could learn how to clear physical and emotional symptoms themselves.
Many people commented that what happened seemed like Magic. And so the name of Magic Maree came into being…
In 2009 Maree-Elyse was introduced toTransference Healing® and this became an important aspect of the self healing process in her life. “Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency healing and ascension process that is multidimensional, works with the lightbody, creates alchemy and is achieving profound results”.
Maree-Elyse is a fully trained Transference Healing® Practitioner and Teacher, as well as an experienced Kinesiologist, Meditation Facilitator and Clairvoyant. The Tarot Cards and Animal Magic Cards are favourite tools in connection and expression for spirit. Her intention is to be of service to humanity and Mother Earth by helping others on their self-healing and ascension journey.
Experience Transference Healing® and Kinesiology Sessions to help balance your energy on a deep level. Also learn new skills and insights about who you truly are. Understand why you have limiting belief systems in place in this lifetime and how this energy helps to shift them, and change your reality.