
  • Our Chiron Wounding…

    So ‘what does a Chiron Wounding mean’ I hear you ask? Many of us are comfortable with our Sun and Rising moon signs from our birthdate and time, however few of us have heard of our “Chiron Sign”. This sign is also dependent on our birthdate and year, and yet has nothing to do with…

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  • How Jasper and I met… 12 years ago in a galaxy far, far away…

    Having studied Transference Healing® and begun on the journey of crystal connection, crystal skulls had become a recent interest of mine. I had learned how to connect into the ‘crystal being’ within the crystal itself and one of my favourite skulls had revealed her name, Clara, to me when I was in a deep meditation…

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  • Meditation Night: Changing your DNA

    JOIN US FOR OUR MEDITATION NIGHT! With all of the frequency changes happening on the Earth now, it is a great time to make the most of this energy to help us keep evolving within our own self. These meditation sessions  are held for people who are really wanting change and more understanding to help…

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  • Nyummy Nourishing Meditation night Pumpkin Soup Recipe!

    So how did Pumpkin soup get on this blog site? After the powerful electro-magnetic meditations we experience on Wednesday night, I knew food was needed to help people ground back to Earth. Having a few vegetarians, gluten free and other dietary specialities in the mix, I knew just what to offer up to everyone. Yep,…

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  • Star Seeds Home Coming – Who we truly are.

    We are Star Seeds. We come from many planets. And yet we are known as Human. Hu = God. Man = the physical aspect of homo sapien. As Humans we are a unique mix of many aspects, gifts and talents from other worlds and planets. We are the most amazing collection of DNA. 97% of…

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  • Magic Waterfalls in Bali: Undines (water spirits) and Elemental Beings photos

    Magical Nature Moments:  Have you ever seen Undines (Water Spirits) before? Or have you ever wondered about magic portals and doorways into other realms? Check out these amazing photos that we took on a retreat in Bali at a waterfall near the Northern West Coast. The Undines are already visible in the waterfall (only through…

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