How Jasper and I met… 12 years ago in a galaxy far, far away…

Having studied Transference Healing® and begun on the journey of crystal connection, crystal skulls had become a recent interest of mine.

I had learned how to connect into the ‘crystal being’ within the crystal itself and one of my favourite skulls had revealed her name, Clara, to me when I was in a deep meditation attending a Mystery School with Transference Healing®.

That had been a few months in the revealing, so imagine my surprise when I was browsing in a beautiful crystal shop, and was drawn to pick up a particular clear quartz crystal skull that spoke to me straight away.


In that moment a huge energetic download started to pour through my crown chakra and I could feel the incredible energy flowing through my body.

Jasper continued to chat away (he speaks fast!) but I was still reeling from the download going on at the time to remember what he was saying!

Crystal skulls are usually very expensive so once I had settled from the energetic download, I was shocked to see that he was far less expensive than I had thought he would be. Maybe I could afford this crystal skull.

Still unsure, I returned Japer to the crystal skull cabinet where I had found him, with the promise that I would seriously consider coming back next week to buy him and ‘take him home’.

All week the energetic downloads continued and I could hear Jasper telepathically talking to me WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO GET ME? I’M WAITING FOR YOU!”

Within a few days I had promised him I would pick him up the following week, and he seemed to settle down with the downloads and chatter, to just a few times a day instead of ALL day.

When I brought Jasper home, my friends husband really liked the idea of having a crystal skull, so he went to the same shop. Synchronicity was in play as he was unknowingly drawn to buy Jaspers cabinet buddy who had sat next to him. His name is Micky, and Jasper and Micky get to catch up when I visit my friends! Not everyone is comfortable with crystal skulls straight away, and one friend would get very triggered and freak out when he saw Jasper. (We have since helped shift this fear and he now tolerates Jasper!)

Jasper continued to chat away to me and I realised he had a very funny side to him.

If I happened to forget him after he had told me he wanted to join certain events, like to go to my friends house for a gridding session, he would yell at me as I was walking out of the house to remind me.

We went to a ‘Crystal Skull Meditation’ conference in Sydney and Jasper came along.

He is not easy to carry as he weighs 3 kg. It was worth taking him though as he connected to all the other crystal skulls in the room, and as skulls transmit energy and wisdom to each other, he was happy.

I noticed he gets very cold when he is downloading, and it was at this conference that he told me the beings that come through him are from Sagittarius B.

This is an aspect deep within the milky way, nearly at the core. It was at the same conference that someone mentioned “Oh he has Jasper (a crystal) running through the clear quartz. That usually means the beings are connected to deep within the cosmos!”

Synchronicity popping up once again as he had just told me where the beings that channel through him are from. And more understanding as to why he called himself “Jasper”.

So, we are on this adventure together, and Jasper has told me he wants to join me on the YouTube events and just generally hang out when I am meditating, running healing sessions or involved in gridding procedures. So, feel free to hang out with us as we ask interesting questions about the Earth, the cosmos and the crazy system that we are living in  here on Terra.

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