This energy works with the electro magnetic frequency and magnetic fields of the body. If these areas are out of alignment many physical, mental and emotional symptoms can appear. These are known as Lightbody symptoms.
This energy session also incorporates many procedures, templates and essences that filter codes, frequencies, elements and light into the body on an etheric level, resulting in clearing and strengthening of the etheric body, and hence the physical and emotional body. Deep soul wounds and DNA trauma can also be released to help clear unwanted patterning through the high frequency healing.
Transference Healing® is suitable for all ages, conditions and illnesses.
It can effectively alleviate Lightbody symptoms such as:
- Mood swings and bouts of depression
- Dizziness and ringing in the ears
- Muscle aches and pains
- Digestive upsets/diarrhoea
- Headaches/backaches
- Immune and glandular symptoms and many more physical or emotional symptoms.
- Respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, hay fever, colds and flu like symptoms.
- Heart palpitations or hypersensitivity
Transference Healing® assists in maintaining General Health and works preventatively by releasing pattering in the DNA. Alchemical symbols are individually divined and energetically integrated for you during this session.
Three Animal Magic Cards are also divined for you during the healing and the frequency and magic of these animals comes through to support you with your alchemical changes.
The relevance of these alchemy symbols and Animal Magic Cards will also be discussed in detail with you, helping to bring further understanding to your reading and personal changes following the session.
The insightful reading that is discussed with you after the session helps you gain an understanding as to why repeating unwanted patterns and behaviours, that attract the same old unwanted situations and illnesses, keep occurring. The clearing of these patterns energetically helps to shift our perception and actual reality in life. There are many other specific spiritual revelations for the person that are also channeled through and shared after the session to help achieve true life changing insights.
Time : 1-1.5 hrs. This session can also be done absentee anywhere in the world.
Cost : $180.00 AUD
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- “Beautiful Maree gave me the gift of a transference healing one brisk winter evening, by the warmth of her crackling log burner in the sanctity of her Mount Tamborine cottage some five years ago.What a revelation, what a shock! Fancy a healing where you actually don’t need to participate? I made myself comfortable, closed my eyes for what seemed like a short ten minutes and an hour and a half later I had the most incredible aspects of my ‘lives’ given back to me through Maree. Amazing! How she could possibly have known any of these elements of my life is still beyond my realistic compression. My intuitive self knows without a whisper of a doubt that there truly is an angel looking out for all of us, and Maree is the conduit.If you are looking for an opportunity to achieve an incredible feeling of tranquillity and Zen, or have a desire for true self understanding and peace, transference healing is key to achieving this plane.” From Cassandra, Cairns.