Beyond Doorways 2

This workshop enables you work with and understand more the Mystery School concepts and teachings of Transference Healing and works with alternate chapters to level one. It involves crystal skull work, gridding and templating work. This level goes more into the technology of matter and light and would appeal more to graduates or those who regularly attend a trance channelling session. This is new information and not revision work.

Inclusions: You will receive a set of comprehensive workshop notes, two clear quartz wands, a Lemurian Time Line Wand, a small crystal skull, and the Crystal Star Gate Gridding Kit (inclusive of a template and 13 gridding crystals) all presented in a beautiful velvet workshop bag.

[ Please Note: Gridding crystals are only available when you do the workshop]

Time :  1 day

Cost:  $450 AUD


Maree performed a Griding/Healing on me. Maree’s vast experience and sensitivity were evident. I felt an energy working within me, and a great sense of calm while conversing.  From the heart of spiritual Mount Tambourine, subconsciously, I fell myself floating, and enveloped in safety as the Griding began. After the healing session, I felt light, very relaxed and grounded.  But something was missing Hum . . , What?

Ah! It was that Old bag that was previously attached to me. Must have left it out there in the Ether,……….where it belongs.Thank you Maree for working miracles.  I got what I needed, in one session. And you’re still always there whenever I call. Love to you.

 Tracy Hitchings – vocalist (Rock Band “LANDMARQ”)